Desde el 2011, Dominicanos Comprometidos con el Progreso

Wide Horizont - By George Richardson - Is There Such a Thing as a Multicultural Consumer Segment?

While I was looking for information about a fellow at Spikeddb, I came across a wonderful post about Multiculturalism, started by Jony Arad, Riyhan Bey and later by Jose Villa. Here's what Villa accurately says: Our initial hypothesis was we would find more differences than similarities, and creating a “multicultural” segmentation schema of youth was not going to be feasible.

However, we were surprised to find some interesting psychographic similarities. Primary among them was the fact that minority youth shared a similar life of duality experience – they live in both the cultural mainstream and their personal sphere of heritage.

While preliminary in nature, our research uncovered the existence of a shared psychographic profile among these Hispanic, African-American, Asian and Native American youth of belonging to the “other.”

They can navigate between these worlds effortlessly despite differences in language, appearance, or cultural nuance. They live in a multicultural world defining themselves by their likes and dislikes and not race or ethnicity.

Whereas the mainstream is racing to understand the meaning of “multicultural,” minority youth feel they are the very definition of multicultural. They still live, however, within specific, tangible groups defining themselves as “other than” or “different from” the mainstream, multicultural as it may be.

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Editor: George Richardson